Thursday, November 22, 2007

come and go

Sometimes, out of the blue, someone comes and break the monotony of the day. After a long day,even weeks of boredom and depression,  this someone came and gave you hope again.He is the perfect embodiment of the kind of person you desperately wanted to become. The kind of person that you only dreamed of.the kind of man you meet when you go into this world you frequented where you are the classy heiress of the hotel magnate.The world where you wear only Prada and Gucci and you sail in your yacht at sunset.The world where you party like crazy, get drunk,get laid and dont get caught. Yes, sometimes someone just comes and turn your world upside down.
Sometimes, that someone becomes a constant part of your day.You start to miss his hellos and his. You start to ask his opinion on things that matter to start to trust him.You start to treat him like a friend.
and then, sometimes, you realize that its time to let that someone go.Not because you dont want him to be in your life anymore because you do,but because it is necessary.You got to let go before you lose yourself again.You got to let go before you lost in this game called life. You let go even if its leaves you feeling empty.You let go before you lose everything, even your let go not because you want to but because you are afraid not to let go....

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